Regius Cigars
The Regius Black Label cigar is the ideal accompaniment for your evening or afternoon escape. This Nicaraguan Puro blend provides a medium-bodied, complex flavor and an immaculate balance that will satisfy even the most discriminating of palates. Aged tobaccos up to 15 years old give this premium treat its delightful nuances! Enjoy with your favorite wine or spirit, and savor every moment!
Regius Black Label was created to rival Cuban cigar sales in Europe, but what sets it apart from the other "Cubanesque" cigars on the market is its genuine Cuban flavor. Rather than relying solely on marketing tactics to sell their smokes, Regius Black Label actually tastes convincingly like a traditional Cuban cigar despite having Nicaraguan origins.
The Regius Black Label cigar has captured the attention of many distinguished famous cigar smokers. This classic Cuban-style blend is an absolute must try, as it never fails to deliver a superior smoking experience that rivals authentic Cuban cigars.