Quorum Cigars
Quorum Sungrown Torpedo Cigars are perfect value cigars that keep you entertained without any burden on the pocket. Crafted at the Nicaraguan factory of Torano family they are sold under the banner of J. C. Newman Company. Fine tobaccos grown in the rich soils of Nicaragua are utilized to craft these cigars. A sun grown Ecuadorian wrapper is chosen to encase these tobaccos. They exude an aromatic smoke with rich, creamy flavours. This is a solid cigar at a very moderate price. This is absolutely fit for everyday smoke. The Quorum Sungrown Torpedo Cigars are made in the size of 6 x 52. They are sold in bundles of 20 cigars. To get your daily dose smoke, place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.