Quesada Tributo
Quesada Tributo Cigars is a magnificent cigar that has almost surpassed its older cousins in terms of taste and craftsmanship. Dominican and Nicaraguan ligeros bound by Dominican ligero binder makes the core of these cigars. The most special feature of Quesada Tributo Cigars is the use of a very unique wrapper on it. This wrapper is made from a hybrid Ecuadorian tobacco which is a mixture of four different types of seeds, namely, Corojo, Sumatra, Habano 2000 and Habano Vuelta Arriba. The result is a full bodied smoke that delivers complexity with fine balance. This delightful cigar is laden with rich notes of coffee, earth, pepper, leather, and nuts and ends on a long, sweet finish. Impressed by its uniqueness the cigar critics have rated it 90 asserting its exquisite qualities. To try these unique cigars place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get them at the best online prices.