Punch Cigars
Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild Cigars are great premium cigars loved by the aficionados and the critics for years. Produced in Honduras by one of the oldest brands in the industry these cigars sport a box pressed look. At the core it packs a blend of Nicaraguan, Honduran and Dominican long fillers bound by a Connecticut binder. On the surface lies a dark brown distinct looking Sumatra wrapper grown in Ecuador. They deliver a medium to full bodied robust smoke marked by fine balance. A fragrant aroma entices the senses while the cigar burns in an ultra-smooth manner. A 1 or 2 years aging make these great cigars taste even better. These Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild Cigars are built in the size of 4 1/2 x 50. They are packaged in boxes of 50. To buy these top selling cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.