Punch Cigars
Experience the exquisite craftsmanship of the Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild cigars—a beloved choice among aficionados and critics alike. These premium handmade cigars are created by the legendary Punch brand in Honduras, combining generations of expertise with unparalleled attention to detail. Their box-pressed design exudes sophistication, making them a refined addition to any humidor. Punch stands as one of the most historic and renowned names in the world of cigars.
Beneath the lush, dark Sumatra wrapper, handpicked from Ecuador, lies a carefully curated core of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long fillers, complemented by a mellow Connecticut binder. The result? A perfectly balanced medium to full-bodied cigar with rich, robust notes that tantalize your taste buds with every draw. The experience is further elevated by a smooth burn and a fragrant aroma that adds an enchanting depth to your smoking session.
Great things take time. These cigars only get better with age—allow them to mature for a year or two, and watch as their flavors evolve into an even more indulgent experience. Built at a compact yet satisfying size of 4 ½ x 50, they offer premium quality and consistency in every puff.
Each box of Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild includes 50 expertly crafted cigars, making it a must-have for any cigar lover or collector. Whether you’re savoring a solitary moment of peace or sharing in the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts, these cigars add a touch of elegance to every occasion.
Why wait to elevate your collection? Shop the Punch Rare Corojo Rothschild now at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online prices. Place your order today and indulge in a smoking experience like no other.