Punch Cigars
Punch Gran Puro Sesenta Cigars are solid premium cigars featuring single nation tobaccos. Honduras, which is the current location of this ancient Punch brand, solely provides the tobaccos leaves for this cigar. These are grown in the rich soils of San Agustin Valley. The binder and wrapper both is sun grown. The top priming leaves of the plants are used as the wrapper. The result is a medium to full bodied cigar with a rich core of earth and spices. This puro offer a serious punch that is enough for one and a half hour. High praises and notable ratings add to its charm. These Punch Gran Puro Sesenta Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 6 1/4 x 60. They are packaged in boxes of 25. To buy these cigars with the right kick place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best the online price.