Punch Cigars
Punch Grand Puro Rancho Cigars are gorgeous premium sticks with a heady blend of single nation tobaccos. Punch which was primarily a Cuban brand started functioning from Honduras in the late 19th century. This cigar packs the tobaccos from this country grown in the fertile San Agustin Valley. A sun grown binder binds them while a sun grown first priming wrapper leaf enfolds them neatly. The result is earthy, spicy medium to full bodied cigar. This rich, satisfying puro does offer the right punch to the taste buds. They have garnered high ratings and praises from all the corners. These Punch Grand Puro Rancho Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 5 1/2 x 54. They are packaged in boxes of 25. To buy these cigars with the right kick place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best the online price.