Punch Cigars
Punch Grand Puro Pico Bonito Cigars are beautifully crafted premium cigars filled with one nation tobaccos. Made by Punch cigars which started their journey in the 19th century in Cuba now functions from Honduras. These cigars pack the rich tobaccos of San Agustin Valley in Honduras. They are secured by a sun grown binder and rolled in a sun grown wrapper harvested for the first priming of the plants. They display a medium to full body profile with a rich earthy and spicy core. They offer a satisfying, enjoyable smoke with a solid punch for a good one and half hour. The critics as well as the smoke enthusiasts have loved this puro. These Punch Grand Puro Pico Bonito Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 6 x 50. They are packaged in boxes of 25. To buy these cigars with the right kick place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best the online price.