Punch Cigars
Punch Deluxe Royal Coronations Aluminium Tube Cigars are finely crafted premium cigars originated in Honduras. They are jam packed with a rich blend of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Honduran long fillers. A Connecticut Broadleaf binder binds them while a plush Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper surrounds them neatly. This concoction delivers a medium to full bodied smoke with complex character. They bear savory notes of earth and cedar throughout. The cigar burns consistently due to its top notch construction. These Punch Deluxe Royal Coronations Aluminium Tube Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 1/4 x 44. They are filled in aluminium tubes individually and packed in boxes of 30. To buy these amped Punch cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.