Punch Cigars
Punch After Dinner Cigars are tall, handsome premium cigars hailing from Honduras. Punch has an impressive line of premium cigars that are well-constructed and beautifully blended. These cigars feature a blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers bound by a Connecticut Broadleaf binder at the core. They are snugly hugged by a medium brown Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. They bear medium to full body strength with loads of bustling flavors. They deliver a satisfying, full flavored smoking experience marked by remarkable consistency. The critics admire the Punch cigars quite generously. They Punch After Dinner Cigars are crafted in the size of 7 1/4 x 45. They are available in boxes of 25. To buy these bursting cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.