Davidoff Cigars
The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua Cigars - Maduro Case of 30 is the ideal way to indulge in a luxurious smoking experience. This signature full-strength cigar from renowned master blenders is inspired by the pioneering spirit of Zino Davidoff himself and has taken over 10 years to perfect. Each 4 1/8 x 32 panatela cigar comes expertly wrapped in Habano, sealed in tins of 30 for maximum freshness.
Image yourself taking a moment to do what you love most and enjoy each draw from this exquisite Nicaraguan puro. The flavor notes have been curated just for you, offering an aromatic complexity with a creamy smooth finish that's both sweet and bitter at once. Don't wait any longer - treat yourself to the finest that Davidoff cigars have to offer and order your case today!