Davidoff Cigars
With the Davidoff Primeros Dominican cigars, you can enjoy 15 minutes of adventure like never before. Made with a mixture of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, an Ecuadorian binder, and a Habano seed wrapper from Nicaragua, these mild to medium strength cigars will take your taste buds on an unforgettable journey. Perfect for the busy connoisseur who always finds time for a great cigar experience, every draw will be filled with creamy sweetness and intense flavour notes in this 4 1/8” by 34 ring size delight. Packaged in tins of 6 for convenience, Primeros by Davidoff Dominican hand-rolled cigars make the perfect cigar offering for any occasion. So when you find yourself needing an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, reach for one of these handcrafted beauties to enjoy an uncompromisingly rich aroma that can only come from the quality origins of the Dominican Republic.