Imagine savoring flavors refined over a century of craftsmanship. Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto is more than a cigar—it's an ode to tradition. Hand-rolled with 100% certified organic Nicaraguan tobacco, this cigar presents unparalleled quality and authenticity.
A trailblazer in the cigar world, the Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto is the only certified organic cigar available today. Smokers can indulge in a premium experience that respects both heritage and the environment.
Every draw immerses you in notes reminiscent of the finest Nicaraguan terroirs. From smooth earthy undertones to a delicate hint of sweetness, this blend perfectly balances tradition with complexity.
Created by Plasencia, a name synonymous with excellence, each cigar boasts world-renowned tobacco that guarantees consistency in flavor and quality.
This box of 10 cigars is expertly curated for enthusiasts who appreciate authenticity and purity. Whether you're celebrating a milestone or enjoying a quiet evening, these cigars elevate the moment.
Experience tradition redefined—indulge in the Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto today.