Step into the world of premium cigars with the Plasencia Reserva Original Corona. Celebrated for their legacy and craftsmanship, Plasencia Cigars delivers the only cigar in the world made entirely with tobacco certified by the Organic Crop Improvement Association. Every leaf is organically grown in Nicaragua’s lush Esteli and Jalapa regions using heritage methods inspired by the Nicarao Indians of over 500 years ago. The result? A cigars that is as rich in history as its flavor.
Every Plasencia Reserva Original Corona is handmade with care, ensuring an exceptional draw and a consistently smooth smoking experience. Its medium strength strikes the perfect balance—whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just beginning your cigar-smoking journey. The meticulous 5-year aging process after curing and fermentation yields a subtly complex profile with earthy, nutty notes complemented by natural sweetness.
Packaged in a sleek cellophane enclosure and offered in a convenient box of 10, Plasencia Reserva Original Corona is perfect for sharing or savoring solo. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone or unwinding after a long day, these cigars are your ticket to a refined, satisfying experience.
What are you waiting for? Discover the difference for yourself—order your box of Plasencia Reserva Original Corona Cigars today!