The Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II Hexagon Cigars are a masterpiece in cigar making, combining five generations of tobacco expertise with an eye for innovation. Handcrafted by the renowned Plasencia family, these premium cigars bring heritage to life, offering a smoke that's as rich in flavor as it is in craftsmanship.
These cigars are Nicaraguan puros, made exclusively with tobacco sourced from four of the country’s finest regions—Omtepe, Jalapa, Esteli, and Condega. The lush, shade-grown Jalapa wrapper adds a smooth finish to its bold profile, creating an exceptional blend that connoisseurs will immediately recognize as premium quality.
Measuring 6 x 60, the Sixto II features a distinctive hexagonal shape—a design element that adds both visual appeal and an improved grip while smoking. This geometric innovation showcases the Plasencia family's commitment to blending tradition with contemporary elegance.
Each box of 10 cigars doesn’t just offer premium smokes; it doubles as a statement piece. The luxurious packaging includes an inbuilt ashtray, making this an unforgettable gift or centerpiece for cigar aficionados.
Why wait to experience the height of cigar craftsmanship? Treat yourself to the Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II Hexagon Cigars. Order now from Cuenca Cigars and enjoy premium tobacco at the best online price. Don’t miss out—your next indulgent smoke is just a click away!