The Plasencia Alma Del Campo Travesia cigars are so much more than a smoke—they’re an experience. Handcrafted in the lush Plasencia factory in Nicaragua, these Toro Extra 6 1/2 x 54 cigars embody the richness of Nicaraguan puro heritage. Each puff unveils perfectly balanced notes of coffee and nuts, mingled with whispers of spices, leaving an aromatic sweetness that lingers gracefully.
Every cigar is a testament to the Plasencia family's dedication to their craft. Rolled by hand and precision-blended, this box of 10 cigars promises consistency and unparalleled quality. That medium-strength profile makes it ideal for cigar enthusiasts seeking intensity without overwhelming power.
Whether you're enjoying a moment of solitude or sharing with friends, the Alma Del Campo Travesia takes your smoking ritual to new heights. Its complex flavors and velvety smoothness ensure a lasting impression with every draw.
Bring luxury into your humidor today. Order your box of Plasencia Alma Del Campo Travesia cigars now, exclusively available at Cuenca Cigars. Your perfect smoke awaits.