Discover the PIO Resurrection Box Pressed LE Gran Toro Dark Cigars. Handcrafted to perfection in the PIO Cigars factory in Nicaragua, these dark-wrapped Gran Toros feature an outer layer of Mexican San Andrés enhanced with Dominican binder and a premium blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. The result is a complex smoke available exclusively as a limited edition in boxes of 20 cigars.
This top-shelf cigar exudes sophistication, offering nuanced aromas and flavors that will surely captivate any cigar aficionado. Notes of wood, cocoa and pepper are balanced by subtle hints of spice and leather making for a smoking experience like no other. What’s more, the full body profile increases to its fullest potential as it slowly burns down to its 6 inch length by 56 ring gauge vitola model—offering up generous clouds of creamy flavorful smoke every step tightly packed by PIO hand made craftsmanship.
Experience something truly special with the PIO Resurrection Box Pressed LE Gran Toro Dark Cigars!