Perla del Mar Natural
Perla del Mar Natural comes from the same cigar house which manufactures Brick House and El Baton cigars. It is an authentic Cuban cigar brand that has reborn in the hands of J.C. Newman, the name behind several highly acclaimed cigars. Perla del Mar is made up of all Nicaraguan tobaccos sourced from four distinct regions, namely Jalapa, Condega, La Reina, and Pueblo Nuevo. A smooth, shiny Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounds this robust Nicaraguan tobaccos blend. This combination offers the right amount of complexity and depth of flavor that enhances the smoking experience.
Perla del Mar Cigars - Cigar Aficionado Favorite
Perla del Mar Cigars have received a 90-point rating from Cigar Aficionado and are highly recommended by cigar critics for their taste. They come in various sizes and are affordable. These cigars will be an extremely satisfying smoke and a great addition to your daily smoking routine due to their unique blend of tobacco. They are available in a box-pressed format and can be ordered online from Cuenca Cigars at the best price.
The brand name of Cuban cigars is Perla del Mar or PDM, which has a long history dating back to its founding by the Perfecto Garcia Brothers in 1905. The Garcia Brothers crafted these cigars using tobacco cultivated on their family's farm. The name "Perla del Mar" was selected because it reflects the stunning Caribbean waters that encircle Cuba.
J.C. Newman has released new Perla del Mar cigars that pay tribute to the brand's rich history. Back in the early 1900s, the brand became popular and the brothers built a factory in Ybor City, Florida, close to J.C. Newman's factory.
The Perla del Mar cigar is made using aged tobacco from four regions in the Nicaraguan mountains. You have the option to choose between three different types of wrappers - mild Ecuadorian Shade, medium-rich Connecticut Broadleaf, or rich Ecuadorian Corojo. Due to this unique ingredient blend, the flavor of the smoke from the cigar is well-balanced and complex.
The Perla del Mar cigars use a Tampa-style press to combine the tobacco's natural flavors and provide a satisfying smoking experience.