Perla Del Mar Cigars
Enjoy the cool, smooth flavor of a Perla Del Mar Corojo Robusto Cigar! These Nicaraguan-made premiums are -- according to cigar aficionados -- some of the best budget cigars available in the market. Handcrafted using choice tobaccos from three distinct regions in Nicaragua, these 4 3/4 x 52 box-pressed cigars taste absolutely amazing. From dark chocolate, coffee and nuts to sweet spices, Perla Del Mar Corojo Robusto has it all! Mild to full-bodied in strength, these cigars offer a smooth and creamy smoke that's just perfect for any special occasion. Not only do they look great with their attractive boxes of 25, but they also provide an incredibly satisfying and joyful experience that can't be easily replicated. Hope aboard the Perla Del Mar express today!