Perdomo Cigars
Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro Gordo Cigars introduce a new innovation in the cigar industry. Created by Nick Perdomo, these cigars capture the essence of bourbon whisky in a tobacco body. Well-aged tobaccos from Esteli, Jalapa and Condega in Nicaragua are used at the core of these cigars. A Maduro wrapper that is aged for 6 long years followed by 14 months in bourbon barrels is used on top of these tobaccos. The result is a medium to full bodied cigar with layered complexity. It displays balanced nuances of cedar, leather and almonds all accentuated by a smoky essence. The Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro Gordo Cigars are 6 x 60 in sizes and packed in boxes of 24. To buy these fine combination of whisky and tobaccos place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.