PDR Cigars
Enjoy PDR Cigars in 2023: An Overview of the Brand
Welcome to the fascinating world of PDR Cigars, where craftsmanship, quality, and a unique smoking experience await you. Immerse yourself in this extraordinary brand, and discover the secret behind its exceptional range of premium boutique cigars. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious novice, PDR Cigars will surely captivate your senses.
Short Summary
PDR Cigars is a renowned premium cigar brand offering intricate and savory cigars made using the Entubado method.
Customers can customize their experience with rare cigar customization, custom bands, budget friendly options and personalized blends tailored to individual tastes.
Proper storage in humidors at optimal temperatures is essential for maintaining freshness of your PDR Cigar collection - follow PDR's blog & social media accounts for latest news & events.
Exploring PDR Cigars: The Brand and Its Offerings
Nestled in the heart of the Dominican Republic, PDR Cigars is a premium cigar brand founded by Master Blenders Abe Flores and Franklin Pichardo. PDR has earned worldwide recognition for its attention to detail, resulting in a remarkable array of intricate and savory cigars. With accolades such as having 3 cigars among the top 25 in the world in 2013, it's clear that PDR Cigars has solidified its place in the market.
Discover the best-kept secret in premium boutique cigars – PDR Cigars. Cut, light, and experience their unique flavor for yourself.
History and Vision
PDR Cigars, born and raised in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, is a testament to the vision of its founder, Abe Flores. With a passion for quality and craftsmanship, Abe revolutionized the cigar-making process by creating the Entubado rolling technique – a complex method that has now become synonymous with the brand.
Over the years, PDR Cigars has evolved through rebranding, restructuring, and rebounding, adapting to the ever-changing tastes of cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Signature Collections
PDR Cigars offers an impressive selection of signature collections to satisfy every palate. Among these exquisite offerings, you'll find the PDR 1878 Series, the PDR Small Batch Series, and the PDR Aged Series.
The PDR 1878 Series features a classic blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, while the PDR Small Batch Series is a limited-edition assortment of rare tobaccos, and the PDR Aged Series boasts an exclusive selection of aged tobaccos.
Each collection delivers a distinctive and savory experience, making PDR Cigars a true paradise for cigar connoisseurs.
The Art of PDR Cigar Making
Behind every PDR cigar lies a highly sophisticated process that combines rolling, blending, and crafting to create the distinctive flavor and aroma of each masterpiece. Attention to detail, manual labor, and expertise are essential ingredients in the art of cigar making.
PDR Cigars takes this craft to a whole new level with its unique methods and commitment to excellence.
Entubado Method
The Entubado method, developed by Abe Flores himself, is a cigar rolling technique that sets PDR Cigars apart from the competition. By rolling each filler leaf into a tube shape, this method generates tubes with excellent airflow, allowing for a greater quantity of filler leaves to be incorporated into the cigar while preserving the draw.
The benefits of the Entubado method are numerous, including an even burn and a consistent flavor throughout the cigar. However, mastering this intricate technique can be laborious and may incur higher costs due to the additional time and effort required.
Selecting the Finest Tobaccos
The selection of the finest tobaccos is a crucial step in the creation of a PDR cigar. Criteria such as taste, size, and durability are considered when determining the type of tobacco to be used. The harvesting process involves carefully selecting two or three leaves at a time from the stalk on a weekly basis.
The leaves then undergo a curing process of wilting, yellowing, coloring, and drying, with the highest quality leaves, known as wrappers, being selected for their structural integrity and lack of imperfections. This meticulous process ensures that PDR Cigars are made with only the best tobaccos available.
Aging and Fermentation
Aging and fermentation play a vital role in the production of PDR Cigars. Tobacco leaves undergo fermentation for up to 12 weeks, depending on the type of tobacco, to remove undesirable nutrients and provide a clean, fresh tobacco flavor. Subsequently, the tobacco is aged for an average of 3 years prior to rolling.
The consequences of this process include a more consistent flavor, a more even burn, a decrease in the harshness of the smoke, and a reduction in the nicotine content. The dedication to proper aging and fermentation showcases PDR Cigars' commitment to delivering the highest quality products to its customers.
Personalize Your PDR Cigar Experience
One of the unique aspects of PDR Cigars is the ability to personalize your smoking experience. With custom cigar bands and rare cigar customization, PDR allows you to create a truly memorable cigar experience. Whether it's for a corporate event or a special occasion, PDR Cigars offers a unique way to make your cigar experience one to remember.
Custom Cigar Bands
Elevate your cigar game with PDR Cigars' custom cigar bands. These personalized labels can be tailored with your own logo, text, or artwork, adding a touch of sophistication and personalization to any gathering. You can also choose from a range of colors and materials to create a distinctive look that will leave a lasting impression on your guests or clients.
Custom cigar bands not only add a unique touch to your cigars, but also serve as a way to express gratitude to customers or incentivize employees.
Rare Cigar Customization
For those seeking a one-of-a-kind smoking experience, PDR Cigars offers rare cigar customization. This exclusive service allows you to select the size, shape, wrapper, and filler of your cigar, creating a truly personalized and unique blend.
The customized cigar is then expertly rolled and aged to achieve optimal results. With rare cigar customization, you can indulge in a tailored smoking experience that caters to your individual tastes and preferences.
Budget-Friendly Options at PDR Cigars
While PDR Cigars is known for its premium offerings, the brand also provides budget-friendly options for customers who are looking for high-quality cigars at an affordable price. PDR Cigars offers a selection of 10 Dominican cigars at a cost of less than $5 apiece, ensuring that every puff is worth every penny.
These economical, boutique, handmade premiums prove that a delightful flavor can be achieved without breaking the bank.
Maintaining Your PDR Cigar Collection
To fully appreciate the exquisite flavor and aroma of your PDR Cigars, it is essential to maintain your collection in ideal storage conditions. The use of humidors, proper storage conditions, and regular rotation of your collection will ensure that your cigars remain fresh and ready for enjoyment.
Importance of Humidors
Preserving the quality, aroma, and flavor of your cigars is of utmost importance, and humidors play a crucial role in this process. Without a humidor, cigars can become un-smokable within a few days due to drying out.
By maintaining the humidity levels of your cigars, humidors ensure that your collection remains fresh and ready for enjoyment. Investing in a quality humidor is a wise decision for any cigar enthusiast looking to protect their valuable collection.
Ideal Storage Conditions
Proper storage conditions are key to preserving the quality of your PDR Cigars. It is recommended that cigars be stored in a humidor at a temperature of 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 70-72%. Avoiding abrupt fluctuations in temperature and humidity is also crucial, as this can cause the cigars to become excessively dry or humid, thus impacting their flavor and quality.
It is important to ensure that the humidor is properly sealed and that the cigars are stored in an environment that is free from any strong odors. Additionally, it is not.
Rotating Your Collection
To ensure that all cigars in your collection are exposed to consistent levels of humidity, it is essential to rotate your cigars every two to three months. By moving older cigars to the front and newer ones to the back, you can guarantee that your cigars are smoked in the appropriate order and maintain their freshness.
Regular rotation of your collection will help you get the most enjoyment out of your PDR Cigars.
Blog & Events
Stay up to date with the latest news and events from PDR Cigars by following their blog, "The Blog: Abe Flores – The Final Puff", which features insightful reviews of cigars and interviews with industry experts.
You can also keep an eye on PDR Cigars' social media accounts for updates on special events, such as the annual Puro Sabor Nicaraguan cigar festival.
In conclusion, PDR Cigars offers an exceptional range of premium boutique cigars, crafted with the finest tobaccos and unique methods, such as the Entubado rolling technique. With options for personalization, budget-friendly choices, and a commitment to maintaining the highest quality, PDR Cigars is truly a brand that caters to every cigar enthusiast. So whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just starting on your cigar journey, take a moment to explore the remarkable offerings of PDR Cigars and indulge in a smoking experience like no other.