PDR Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Reserva Limitada Robusto Cigars - Natural Box of 24
SKU - 6157PDR Cigars
PDR Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Reserva Limitada Grand Toro Cigars are extraordinary premium cigars that mark a significant landmark in the PDR history. They are crafted to celebrate the completion of 10 years of their Dominican factory. The core of these cigars feature a blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano fillers aged for 7 years and Nicaraguan Jalapa tobaccos. They are secured by a Dominican Olor binder and finally enwrapped by an Ecuador Habano wrapper. This robust blend offers chock full of flavors in medium body strength. Spices, leather, sweetness and citrus notes come and go in refined manner during the whole smoke. These PDR Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Reserva Limitada Grand Toro Cigars are made in the size of 6 x 54. They come in set of 24 neatly packed in wooden boxes. To buy these extraordinary cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.