PDR Cigars
PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Habana Robusto Cigars are striking premium cigars that immediately catch the attention with its shiny blue band. The core of these cigars features Dominican Corojo fillers bound by Dominican Habano binder. On the top they have a dark brown Dominican Habano Oscuro wrapper. The smoke exuded is mild to medium in body strength. It goes on smoothly displaying enough complexity and flavors of light spices, cedar, nuts and tea leaves. These PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Habana Robusto Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 52. They come in dark boxes neatly packed in bundle of 20. To buy these handsome premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.