PDR Cigars
Our online store now offers the PDR 1878 Recordando a Santiago Toro Cigars as single purchases. These premium cigars have a smooth smoke and are made with Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, bound with Dominican Criollo and wrapped in a golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
If you're looking for a mild to medium bodied cigar with complex flavors, the PDR 1878 Recordando a Santiago Toro Cigars might be for you. As you smoke, you'll taste notes of cream, vanilla, nuts, and sweet spices. These cigars are 6 x 52 in size and come in white boxes of 20. If you're unsure if you want to commit to a full box, you can try them first. To purchase these cigars at the best online price, place an order with Cuenca Cigars.