PDR Cigars
PDR 1878 Cubano Especial Capa Madura Double Magnum Cigars are deep brown hued premium boutique cigars. Produced in Dominican Republic they feature a mix of tobaccos from different origins. The fillers are Dominican and Nicaraguan while the binder is Dominican Criollo. The blend is encased in a dark brown Brazilian Arapiraca maduro wrapper. The smoke produced is medium in body strength with ample nuances of sweetness and spices. These rich, hearty cigars have earned 90 point ratings from the critics. These PDR 1878 Cubano Especial Capa Madura Double Magnum Cigars are Gordo shaped cigars with a size of 6 x 60. They are available in dark wooden boxes in set of 20. To buy these dark cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.