The Perfectly Aged Cigar for Connoisseurs
Indulge in the luxurious experience of a cigar like no other with Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Robusto Cigars, aged to perfection for seven years. With every draw, savor the balanced medium to full-bodied flavors of vanilla, oak, and spice, enveloping your palate in refined complexity. This is more than a cigar—it’s an elegant ritual meant to be enjoyed slowly, shared over stories, or paired with your favorite Van Winkle Bourbon or rye.
Expert Craftsmanship, Unmatched Quality
Handmade in the renowned Drew Estate factory in Nicaragua, each cigar is a testament to exceptional craftsmanship. The dual wrappers combine a Mexican San Andres leaf with a rare Kentucky tapa negra leaf that has been barrel-aged for twelve months, creating a depth of flavor that's both bold and smooth. Wrapped around a Nicaraguan binder and filled with a premium blend of Kentucky and Nicaraguan tobaccos, this cigar guarantees an unmatched smoking experience from start to finish.
Aroma and Flavor That Linger
Lighting a Pappy Van Winkle cigar releases a rich, woody, spicy, and floral aroma sure to captivate both you and those around you. Its round robusto shape with a 5 1/4-inch length and 52-ring gauge ensures a satisfying and consistent burn, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in its nuanced flavors.
Pairing Perfection
Whether you're enjoying a celebratory moment or winding down after a long day, Pappy Van Winkle cigars are best experienced alongside a glass of Van Winkle Bourbon or rye. Together, they create a harmonious symphony of smoke and spirit, elevating your experience to new heights.
Take a Step Into Luxury
Elevate your collection and indulge in the premium world of Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Robusto Cigars. Perfect for seasoned cigar lovers or as a gift to impress true connoisseurs, it’s time to treat yourself to the superior quality and timeless flavor of cigars that set the standard for excellence.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaragua |
Shape: | Robusto Gordo |
Size: | 5 1/4 x 52 |
Strength: | medium to full |
Wrapper: | Kentucky Tapa Negra & Mexican San Andrés |
Binder: | Nicaragua |
Filler: | Kentucky & Nicaragua |
Box Cigar Count: | 10 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | Y |
Is Flavored: | N |
Factory: | La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate |
Ratings: | 93 |