Padron Serie 1926 #6 Cigars are exquisite premium cigars that have carved a niche in the cigar world. Crafted in honor of Jose Padron's achievements as a cigar blender these cigars were released on his 75th birthday. Five to ten years aged tobaccos make the blend of these cigars giving it a unique taste. The smoothness, complexity and flavors all are loaded in the smoke throughout. Perfectly box pressed they are impeccable in construction. The critics and smoke lovers lauded these cigars and rated with best ever points. These Padron Serie 1926 #6 Cigars are made in Robusto shape in 4 3/4 x 50 sizes. Each cigar is individually numbered and packed in wooden boxes in set of 24. To buy these ultra-premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.