The Padron 1926 Serie No. 48 Maduro is and ultra-premium cigar like no other. Handmade in Nicaragua with a Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler, this premium robusto offers an unmistakably bold and flavorful profile for the experienced palates of passionate smokers of cigars. Its maduro wrappers make it dark and intricate in appearance, while alive with rich notes of leather, cocoa, nutmeg, and espresso on the palate. Enjoying one of these rare creations will transport you to another world of fulfillment unlike any other cigar can provide. With its box-pressed shape measuring 5"1/2 in length with a 60 ring gauge, the Padron 1926 Serie Maduro No. 48 Single Cigars offer a densely packed smoking experience that will satisfy even the most tough enthusiasts looking for an intense yet nuanced flavor journey. Treat yourself or someone special to the sophisticated pleasure of this timeless classic!