Padron Serie 1926 #1 Cigars are superb cigars that have set a new standard for the premium cigar industry. Crafted on the special occasion of 75th birthday of Jose Padron these cigars flaunt a perfect box pressed format. They comprise a blend of five to ten years aged tobaccos wrapped up in the same tobacco wrapper. As expected, they exude a full flavored, complex and incredibly smooth smoke in full body strength. The impeccable characteristics of these cigars have earned them a stunning 97 point rating. These Padron Serie 1926 #1 Cigars are made in Double Corona shape in 6 3/4 x 54 sizes. Each cigar is individually numbered and packed in wooden boxes in set of 24. To buy these ultra-premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.