Padron Cigars
Padron Londres Cigars are handmade premium cigars produced by the renowned Padron Cigars. They are packed to the brim with Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos. A dark Nicaraguan maduro wrapper surrounds them beautifully from outside. These tobaccos are sun grown Habano and cultivated in the fields of Padron family. The quality of these tobaccos is naturally top notch and a period of more than two years aging imparts them with creamy smoothness. The smoke is of medium to full body strength. Consistent from start to end and flavourful in each puff, these are great anytime smoke. These Padron Londres Cigars are crafted in Cuban Corona Shape in the size of 5 ½ x 42. They are presented in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these hand-rolled savoury cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.