Uncover the extraordinary legacy of the Padron Family Reserve No. 85 cigars, available in both Maduro and Natural options. Hand-rolled and aged for several years, these cigars offer a unique and unparalleled experience, boasting full-bodied strength, complex smoke flavors, and a truly distinctive taste.
The Maduro variation features a perfectly box-pressed Robusto, showcasing a Nicaraguan puro blend of 10-year-aged tobacco, resulting in a beautiful and oily wrapper that adds depth to the smoking experience. On the other hand, the Natural version, released in 2012 to commemorate Jorge O. Padron's 85th birthday, delivers a celebration of the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence and tradition. With both variations, you can expect a journey of flavors and aromas that capture the essence of Padron's dedication to premium handmade cigars. Are you ready to savor this extraordinary experience?