Experience the ultimate delight for cigar connoisseurs with the Padron Family Reserve No 85 Robusto. These exceptional premium cigars, available as singles online, cater to those who demand nothing short of perfection. Meticulously handcrafted, they boast a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos aged for a decade. Wrapped in a dark, oily Nicaraguan Habano maduro leaf, they offer a full-bodied strength complemented by unrivaled smoothness and a harmonious flavor profile. Throughout the smoking experience, expect delightful notes of cedar, cocoa, coffee, and spices that engage the palate. These box-pressed 5 1/4 x 50 Robusto cigars come in sets of 10, elegantly housed in standard wooden cases. Explore the accolades of these cigars and add a few to your cart at Cuenca Cigars to enjoy the best online prices available.