Padron Cigars
Padron Ambassador Cigars are classic cigars that display the expertise of Padron Cigars in cigar blending at its best. They encompass a blend of Cuban seed Habano Nicaraguan tobacco that are sun grown. They are rolled up in a natural wrapper. After rolling they are made to go through two and a half years of aging which imparts smooth creaminess to the blend. They exude medium body smoke laced with delightful notes of coffee, cocoa, wood and nuts and finally leave a peppery taste. The construction, burn and balance are top notch. These Padron Ambassador Cigars are crafted in the shape of Lancero in the size of 6 7/8 x 42. They are presented in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these hand-rolled savory cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.