Padron Cigars
Padron Ambassador Cigars are premium handmade cigars to reckon with. Crafted by Padron Cigars they exhibit impressive qualities. Packed with sun grown Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos these cigars possess good amount of smoke flavors. The outside covering is made of Nicaraguan maduro wrapper in dark complexion. They are aged for a significant period of two and a half years to create a well-balanced, smooth and creamy smoke. The intensity of the smoke is medium to full and it bears notes of coffee, cocoa, wood and nuts. They finally end on a peppery note. The 91 point rating testifies its goodness. These Padron Ambassador Cigars are crafted in the shape of Lancero in the size of 6 7/8 x 42. They are presented in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these hand-rolled savory cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.