Padron Cigars
Padron 6000 Torpedo Cigars are classic cigars that display the authentic Nicaraguan essence in true Padron style. A blend of Cuban seed sun grown Nicaraguan tobaccos pack the core of these cigars. Then they are rolled in a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. All these tobaccos are grown by the Padron family making sure the best of quality. After rolling they are aged for more than two years that imbues them with smooth creamy smoke flavors with perfect balance. The intensity of the smoke is medium and the flavor profile features notes of cocoa, earth and nuts. Apart for all these goodness, they also have a surprising price tag. These Padron 6000 Torpedo Cigars are designed in the size of 5 1/2 x 52. They are packed in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these enjoyable premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.