Padron 6000 Torpedo Cigars are perfectly constructed handmade premium cigars that reaffirm the quality Padron is known for. These cigars are meticulously crafted using sun grown Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos that are cultivated by the Padron family. They are surrounded by a dark Nicaraguan Habano maduro wrapper. After rolling these cigars are aged for more than two years in order to give them a smooth and creamy profile. They display medium to full body strength and savory flavors of cocoa, earth and nuts. All these goodness does not burden the pocket as they come at a surprising price. These Padron 6000 Torpedo Cigars are designed in the size of 5 1/2 x 52. They are packed in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these enjoyable premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.