Padron 3000 Cigars are scrupulously crafted handmade premium cigars. The process of making these cigars start right from the cultivation of the tobacco leaves by Padron family. These are sun grown Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos that fill the core of these cigars. A Nicaraguan Habano wrapper enfolds them up. They are then aged patiently for more than two years which impart smooth creaminess to the blend. The smoke derived is medium in body strength with strong notes of earth, nuts and cocoa. Such delightful cigars come at a surprising price which makes them irresistible. These Padron 3000 Cigars are designed in Robusto shape in the size of 5 1/2 x 52. They are packed in wooden boxes in set of 26. To buy these enjoyable premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.