Padron Cigars
Padron 2000 5/4 Cigars are delightful cigars crafted to perfection by the best workers. They pack in themselves a select blend of Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos cured patiently. They are cloaked in sun grown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper from under special supervision. They are made to go through significant aging period. These tobaccos deliver a complex, enjoyable and smooth smoke in medium body strength. Earthy, nutty, and cocoa flavors add to the pleasure. These outstanding cigars have received a 90 point rating by Cigar Aficionado. These Padron 2000 5/4 Cigars are designed in Robusto shape in the size of 5 x 50. They are packed in case of 20 cigars. To buy these enjoyable cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.