Indulge in the timeless craft of premium cigar-making with the Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro. Celebrating three decades of unparalleled artistry, these exquisite cigars embody the heritage and dedication of the Padron family. Rolled in the traditional Cuban style, this box-pressed Robusto (5 1/2 x 50) is crafted with Nicaraguan tobaccos aged to perfection for four years, delivering a consistent and smooth medium to full-bodied experience.
The Nicaraguan Habano maduro wrapper envelops a harmonious blend of cocoa, coffee bean, nuts, and earthy tones. Imagine each draw as a moment of indulgence—rich, complex, and deeply satisfying. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or celebrating a milestone, this cigar turns ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.
With a stellar 94-point rating and recognition as the #5 cigar on Cigar Aficionado's top list, the Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro stands as a true testament to masterful craft. Accolades include being crowned the 2020 Rated Cigar of the Year #1 by Cigar Snob Magazine—a prestigious honor reflecting its remarkable quality.
Available for purchase individually online at Cuenca Cigars, the Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro offers you the convenience to enjoy luxury without splurging on a full box. These cigars make the perfect addition to your humidor or a thoughtful gift for the discerning aficionado.
Why wait? Order now to secure the best online price and savor a classic masterpiece beloved by enthusiasts worldwide.