The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series line of cigars, the second Anniversary line from Padron Cigars, was released in 1994. At the time, Padron Cigars was celebrating thirty years in the Cigar Manufacturing business. Don José Orlando Padrón, the family patriarch, and his son Jorge came to create an entire cigar Brand that aimed at a high-end cigar smoking experience. The cigars use some of the best tobaccos the company had and undergoing extra fermentation and tobacco aging. The company's primary bread and butter was the Brown Label, known as the Padron Series. A line that is still considered some of the best Nicaraguan cigars which quality-price relationship is still today a perfect marriage. The creation of the first-anniversary line took 30 years before creation and was the one that pulled Padron Cigars right to the next level. For a long time, the wrapper was unknown to many. Padron Cigars' smoker's loyalty to the line is based on consistency and uniqueness. No cigar taste as a Padron's does. The 1964 Anniversary Series was Jose Padron's idea to give the cigars a signature style with a box pressing format. As big as 30 years had to be taken to the next level. The final product was a cigar of sun-grown, Cuban-seed tobaccos from Nicaragua. It was José's idea to give the cigars the signature box-pressing. He often expressed that he created a cigar that moved his memory line to the cigars he smoked in Cuba. Today, in 2022, Cigar Aficionado has given to Padrón the 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo the honors they deserve: 2021 Cigar of the Year!