Padron 1964 Aniversario Superior Cigars are special cigars that celebrate the 30 glorious years of Padron Cigars in the industry. They have been crafted in the age old Cuban method and given a box pressed format. They pack four years aged Nicaraguan core and come enwrapped in a sun grown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The strength of these cigars is medium to full and the smoke is complex yet smooth from start to end. They bear notes of cocoa, coffee bean, nuts and earth throughout. These marvelous cigars have huge admirers which prove their impeccable quality. These Padron 1964 Aniversario Superior Cigars are made in the shape of Lonsdale in the size of 6 1/2 x 42. They are available in wooden boxes placed in set of 25. To buy such outstanding limited cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.