Padron 1964 Aniversario Pyramid Cigars are special cigars crafted in limited quantities to mark the 30th anniversary of Padron Cigars. They are rolled in the traditional Cuban method with utmost care. The result is a smooth yet complex cigar filled with four years aged Nicaraguan tobaccos. These tobaccos are surrounded by a Nicaraguan Habano maduro wrapper. They deliver medium to full bodied smoke with flavors of cocoa, coffee bean, nuts and earth. Flawlessly constructed they sport a stunning box pressed body. They are loved by both the smokers and critics, which culminated into high ratings. These Padron 1964 Aniversario Pyramid Cigars are made in the shape of Torpedo in the size of 6 7/8 x 52. They are available in wooden boxes placed in set of 25. To buy such outstanding maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.