Padron 1964 Aniversario Monarca Cigars are noteworthy premium handmade cigars that display a perfect box pressed format. Rolled in the traditional Cuban method, these exquisite cigars have managed to impress the smoke enthusiasts making their way into the top spots in the best cigars list. Four years aged Nicaraguan tobaccos folded in Nicaraguan Habano maduro wrapper sums up the blend of these limited numbered cigars. They have a complex yet smooth profile with medium to full body strength. Notes of cocoa, coffee bean, earth and nuts remain constant throughout the smoke. These Padron 1964 Aniversario Monarca Cigars are made in the shape of Corona Gorda in the size of 6 1/2 x 46. They are available in wooden boxes placed in set of 25. To buy these outstanding maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.