Introducing the Padron 1964 Aniversario Exclusivo, now available as single sticks. These truly remarkable cigars have made an indelible mark in the cigar industry, earning high ratings and prestigious positions on the best cigars list. Crafted in limited numbers to commemorate Padron Cigars' 30th anniversary, they boast a blend of four-year-aged Nicaraguan tobacco and a sun-grown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper.
With a medium to full body strength, these cigars offer a complex yet smooth profile. Their beautiful box-pressed format enhances the smoking experience, while the tantalizing notes of cocoa, coffee bean, earth, and nuts delight the palate. The Padron 1964 Aniversario Exclusivo Cigars come in a Robusto shape, measuring 5 1/2 x 50, and are elegantly presented in wooden boxes of 25 or in single sticks.
To acquire these exceptional limited cigars, simply place an order at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online prices available.