Experience the exquisite Padron 1964 Aniversario Diplomatico Maduro Cigars! Indulge in the allure of these remarkable handcrafted gems, meticulously fashioned to commemorate Padron's 30th anniversary. Carefully constructed using traditional Cuban methods and produced in limited quantities, these cigars are aged for four years, resulting in a complex yet velvety-smooth profile. Wrapped in a flavorful Nicaraguan Habano maduro wrapper leaf, they offer tantalizing notes of cocoa, coffee bean, nuts, and earth. Presented in an immaculate box-pressed format, these cigars have earned a stellar 90+ point rating and secured the fourth spot on the prestigious top cigars list. Available in a Churchill size of 7 x 50, they are offered in beautifully crafted wooden boxes of 25 or as individual sticks to enrich your humidor. To acquire these exceptional maduro cigars, simply place your order with Cuenca Cigars and relish the best online prices available.