The Padron 1926 Series, Padron 1926 Series 40th Anniversary Maduro Torpedo, is a cigar that is highly popular among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Padrón Cigars make it; the brand is known for its elegance and tradition of making great cigars. The cigar is made entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco leaves grown in Esteli, Nicaragua. When smoked, it delivers a smooth and creamy flavor finished by smoke, with a sweet and nutty taste.
The Padron 1926 Serie 40th Anniversary is a high-quality cigar with a rich, complex, full flavor. The tobacco used to make it has been aged for a minimum of five years, and the cigar has been reviewed more than 25 times by Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider, always receiving a rating of at least 90. The cigar is made with Nicaraguan Maduro wrappers, filler, and binder and measures 6 1/2 x 54. They are known for their consistency thru the years!
Cele the Great Cigar 40th anniversary of the Series with Maduro Wrapper cigars from the Padrón family. The Boveda Humidity Pack. These cigars are considered some of the best cigars from the Padrón family, who strive to produce only the most consistent and excellent cigars in the world. The limited edition Padrón Anniversary Series 1926 comes in Maduro or Natural wrapper and is box-pressed. Smoking a Padrón cigar is an unforgettable experience.
Celebrate one of the best tobacco brands by placing an order today. Our friendly staff is available to review and help you at any time. Feel free to contact us!
Don't forget to try "The Family Reserve," a renowned collection of numbered Padrón series cigars featuring some of the finest tobacco from Nicaragua. These blends are a tribute to the company's generations of accomplishments.