Crowned Heads Cigars
Enjoy a premium cigar experience with the OFC Bosphorus B50s! Handcrafted in Nicaragua by the acclaimed Tabacalera Pichardo for the Ozgener Family Cigars, these square-pressed cigars combine Ecuadorian Sumatra-Seed wrappers and Nicaraguan Ecuadorian Connecticut Jalapa binders for an incredible smoking experience. As you puff on your OFC Bosphorus B50, the medium strength of this Robusto vitola will provide you with complex flavors and a smooth draw. Each box contains 20 premium cigars that have been rated 92 by Cigar Aficionado.
Be sure to check out Cuenca Cigars for our scintillating selection of premium cigars, as well as merchandise like cutters and humidors. Plus, we offer free shipping on orders $99 or more – so stock up on your favorites today! Let’s enjoy an unforgettable cigar experience – light up an OFC Bosphorus B50 while kicking back after a long day.