Looking for a cigar that strikes the perfect balance between flavor and craftsmanship? The Ozgener Aramas A52 is precisely that—an indulgent medium-bodied cigar that brings together rich notes of sweetness, subtle spice, and a hint of creaminess.
Crafted with precision and care at EPC’s renowned Tabacalera Alianza in the Dominican Republic, these cigars are the epitome of luxury. A robust Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper encases an expertly blended Ecuadorian Sumatra binder, along with a premium filler combination from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and the USA's Connecticut Broadleaf. Every puff delivers a rich and satisfying experience, unmatched in quality.
The Ozgener Aramas A52 is more than just a cigar—it's a tribute to the legacy of CAO Cigars, spearheaded by Tim Ozgener. Each robusto-shaped cigar, measuring 5" with a perfect 52 ring gauge, is handmade to the highest standard. This is elegance rolled into cellophane packaging, to preserve its impeccable quality from the factory to your hands.
Whether you're savoring a quiet evening or celebrating a special moment, the Ozgener Aramas A52 complements every experience. Its medium strength makes it approachable yet bold enough to leave a lasting impression, making it the ideal companion for any aficionado.
Don’t settle for ordinary cigars when exceptional quality is within reach. Elevate your smoking experience—order your box of 20 Ozgener Aramas A52 cigars today and taste the heritage and craftsmanship for yourself.