Omar Ortez Cigars
Omar Ortez Maduro Toro Cigars are premium handsome cigars crafted with care. They are created using a blend of diverse tobaccos grown in various countries. The core has a mix of aged Nicaraguan and Panamanian long fillers bound by a Mexican binder. This robust mixture is enfolded in a dark Nicaraguan maduro wrapper glistening with oils. They deliver a full bodied complex smoke that display fine balance of flavors. Notes of earth, spices, deep tobaccos and wood keep the palate busy throughout the burn. They have a magnificent construction to boost off. These Omar Ortez Maduro Toro Cigars are rolled in the size of 6 x 54. They are packed in set of 20 and presented in wooden boxes. To buy these rich and flavorful maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.