Ready to Smoke Cigars?
The Foundation Cigar Company proudly presents its newest Olmec Maduro Grande product. This handmade Nicaraguan cigar features Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper enveloping fillers and binders from Estelí and Jalapa for an unforgettable smoke through experience.
If you're a hearty smoker seeking an intense, bold experience, look no further than Olmec Maduro. These medium to medium full-bodied cigars are 6 inches long with a 60-ring gauge and expertly rolled into Toro Gordo shapes that provide aggressive visuals. Every puff of these remarkable stogies reveals immense flavor and strength - they may be the strongest!
Olmec Maduro Grande Cigars offers an experience unlike any other. With twelve cigars per box, Cuenca customers have a variety of ways to indulge in this premium cigar and savor its unique full flavor profile. And don't forget - all orders over $99 come with free shipping! Treat yourself today by getting your hands on some Maduro grande and revel in their greatness!
Who makes Olmec Cigars?
Get ready to experience the rich and unique taste of Olmec, proudly brought to you by Foundation Cigar. Inspired by an ancient spice from pre-Colombian civilization, these luxurious handmade cigars come in packs of twelve count boxes with two distinct wrappers - Maduro and Claro. Immerse yourself in truly serious tobacco with exquisite taste!
At the PCA 2022 Convention and Trade Show, Foundation Cigar Co proudly unveiled their brand new flagship cigar line: Olmec!
Pay homage to Mexico's Mesoamerican culture by experiencing this unique tobacco product, which has been cultivated for making fine cigars in the San Andrés Valley of Veracruz since its earliest inhabitants. Get your hands on an exceptional smoke today and enjoy a piece of history!
What are the sizes of Olmec?
Initially announced by Cigar Aficionado and later confirmed through a press release, the company revealed its new line. This cigar collection is constructed with Mexican San Andres wrapper and will boast two different versions, namely Claros & Maduros: the latter being strongest out of both.
Now is your opportunity to savor the flavors and aromas of Maduro and Claro Olmec from Foundation Cigar. The Nicaraguan binder & filler tobaccos for these premium, handcrafted cigars have been carefully created by AJ Fernandez himself in Nicaragua - with five sizes available that are sure to fit every cigar enthusiast's preferences!
Get ready for a tantalizing experience with these five sizes and flavors of cigars: Foundation Olmec Corona Gorda (5 1/2 x 48), Foundation Olmec Robusto (5 x 50), Foundation Olmec Toro (6 x 52), Foundation Olmec Grande (6 x 60) and Foundation Olmec Double Corona (7x52).
Foundation Olmec Maduro Construction: it's a 93
Olmec Maduro is a captivating cigar, and the cedar box and wrapper bring out the spice of its exquisite home. The ash held onto the cigar in its dense form in 1-inch pieces throughout the smoke before eventually dissipating away. It was the Smurfs who were first to experience this one-of-a kind tobacco flavor!
Overall Strength: MediumOverall Body/Complexity: Medium-FullExperience Overall: 91
Enjoy a superior smoking experience with every puff of this luxurious cigar! A perfect balance between complexity and strength, it offers an exquisite medium-full body flavor. Savor the palate pleasure as notes of dark chocolate and rich leather mix harmoniously with smoky charred wood, juicy fruit, spice and piquant black pepper, specially found in the Foundation Olmec Maduro Toro. The construction is top notch too - you can enjoy this stogie anytime without any hassle. An unforgettable journey for your senses awaits; overall Experience: 91
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaraguan |
Shape: | Toro Gordo |
Size: | 6 x 60 |
Strength: | medium to full |
Wrapper: | Mexican San Andres Maduro |
Binder: | Nicaraguan |
Filler: | Nicaragua |
Box Cigar Count: | 12 |
Is Box-Pressed: | Y |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |