Foundation Cigars
If you’re looking for something special and truly unique in your cigars, the Olmec Claro Grande is the perfect choice. Hand-crafted in Nicaragua by the renowned Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A., this complex and full-bodied 6x60 Toro Gordo cigar will be sure to make your next smoke a delightfully smooth and robust one. It sports a bold Mexico (San Andrés) wrapper covering an exquisite blend of Nicaragua Estelí & Jalapa filler tobaccos bound with a hearty Nicaraguan binder that are combined to create an elegant yet aggressive box-press shape. To top it off, these handmade premiums come packed in boxes of 12 – fit for a true cigar connoisseur! Check out what Cuenca Cigars has to offer today when it comes to buying cigars online and get trendy on the scene with some Olmec claro grandes. Don't forget that we provide free shipping on orders $99 plus – so why wait? Time to stock up and enjoy!